Ven. Kunsang Dechen Lingpa

New Years Dzogchen Empowerments and Teachings

Longchen Rabjams Nyingtig Yabshi

December 30 - January 5, 2003

Bristol, Vermont

Venerable Kunsang Dechen Lingpa

The Nyingtig Yabshi or "Four Cycles of the Heart Essence" was compiled by Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363) and contains the quintessential Dzogchen Empowerments and practice instructions of both Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. These transmissions contain detailed instructions on the practices of Trecho "cutting through fixation" and Thogal "surpassing the peak" and have rarely ever been given in the West or even Tibet. Due to his vast kindness and compassion Ven. Kunsang Dechen Lingpa is offering this inconceivable blessing for practitioners committed to the path of Dzogchen.

Rinpoche is a terton or "treasure revealer" of the Nyingmapa tradition. Born in 1929 in Lhodak Dakar, Tibet, he was recognized by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche as the Lodhak Terton, the reincarnation of Terton Longsel Nyingpo, of the Drubchen Melong Dorje lineage. Rinpoche is renowned for his "pure vision" treasure revelations of Dorje Drollo, Troma Nagmo and many others he directly received from Padmasambhava. In these times of rampant degeneration. Rinpoche's teachings illuminate and dispel the darkness of ignorance, delusion and suffering.

Ven. Kunsang Dechen Lingpa personifies wisdom, compassion, spiritual power, integrity and delight in life. For committed practitioners, this is a rare opportunity to receive this direct transmission from a fully realized master who embodies the heart essence of Dzogchen Atiyoga.

The Nyingtig Yabshi will be given in nine sessions from December 30 - January 5th 2003 in Bristol, Vermont.

Tentative Schedule

Dec. 30: 6:30-8:30pm
Dec. 31: 1-3pm, 6:30-8:30pm
Jan. 1: 11am-1pm, 4-6pm
Jan. 2: 6:30-8:30 pm
Jan. 3: 6:30-8:30 pm
Jan. 4: 11am-1pm, 4-6pm
Jan. 5: 11am-1pm, 4-6pm

This schedule may change according to Rinpoches needs
in giving these empowerments and teachings.

We are also planning a New Years Eve event.

Pre-registration is required for the Nyingtig Yabshi.

The suggested donation for these empowerments, transmissions and practice instructions is $300. There will be limited work study and partial scholarships available.

Due to the rare opportunity to be able to receive the Nyingtig Yabshi practitioners are encouraged to register early as we expect space limitations.

Limited housing will be available. Two Bed and Breakfasts have been reserved as retreat spaces . We are also working on othere housing options. To be assured of having housing please contact us ASAP so we will be able to meet everyones needs.

For further event information, registration and housing please contact:

or call 802-453-3431

These teachings are sponsored by the

Drikung Dzogchen Community Vermont

with The Zangdokpalri Foundation for Great Compassion

May these precious teachings benefit all beings.