Action!Action!Action! | HELP SPOOK HU JINTAO! (sponsor a skeleton.... see below) | ![]() |
Our April 18 BP Day of Action was a great success. Click here for report. |
Interim Report on "Chasing Hu Jintao... more to come! (Click here!) | |||||||||
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Hu Jintao, the next President of China, is about to make his first visit to the US. As you can imagine, SFT is planning a big fat welcome, and were not talking red carpet treatment. Hus schedule is still coming together, but so far it looks roughly like this:
April 26-27 Hawaii |
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1) CHASING HU JINTAO China's soon-to-be president HU JINTAO is arriving in the US on April 27th. Not only is HU being groomed to be China's next president, he also has a dirty and violent history in Tibet. From 1988-1992, HU JINTAO was Communist Party Secretary of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. He was known for his hard-line policies and his low tolerance for dissent. HU was responsible for the crackdowns on several demonstrations in Lhasa, where hundreds of Tibetans were injured, killed or imprisoned. He imposed Martial Law in Lhasa in 1989 and there are at least 25 Tibetans still in prison from his reign of terror. |
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This is HU'S first visit to the US and because of this, many analysts are saying that he is somewhat of an unknown political figure. He will meet with many important leaders, including President Bush, Vice President Cheney, UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, and World Bank President James Wolfensohn. While all these leaders are wondering "WHO'S HU?" Tibetans know all too well who HU is. He has already shown his true colors through his crackdown in Tibet. It is our job to ensure that HU understands that Tibetans and their supporters know about his past actions and are holding him accountable. |
The Tibetans who suffered and died during his tenure in Tibet are the skeletons in HU's closet. Their suffering will haunt him until he makes amends for his crimes in Tibet - and the only way he can do this is to end Chinas occupation of Tibet. Until then, everywhere HU goes, those skeletons will follow him. If you are near Hawaii, New York, DC or San Francisco, and want to help us follow HU around and remind him of the skeletons in his closet, please contact us at 212.358.0071 or at |
2) SPONSOR A SKELETON In order to make HU understand that he cannot escape from his past actions, and to show him how he has made Tibetans suffer, there will be 40 skeletons amongst the protestors that will follow him from New York to DC to San Francisco. There are even skeletons greeting HU in Hawaii! Right now we are in the process of making these skeleton costumes. They will look similar to the skeletons in the traditional Tibetan skeleton dance, a picture of which you can see here.>>>> We are lucky to have a team of dedicated and energetic volunteers, who are pitching in and making these costumes in a rush. However, because SFT's budget is so small, we need help to cover the costs of making them. PLEASE HELP US SPOOK HU BY SPONSORING A SKELETON! The cost per skeleton is $15, and we are making 40 costumes. If you are able to sponsor a skeleton or two, please email Alma at |
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Here are a few upcoming opportunities we thought you might want to know about: 1. Volunteer Opportunities in Dharamsala 2. Fellowship of Reconciliation Nonviolence Trainings and Conference 3. Job Opening with the 50 Years Is Enough Network 4. Democracy Summer 1. Volunteer Opportunities in Dharamsala 2. Fellowship of Reconciliation JUNE 2002 CONFERENCE: The Power of Nonviolence, Manhattan College Great speakers, workshops, nonviolence training, caucuses, meditations, entertainment, youth program! Register on-line at NONVIOLENCE TRAINING: DEEPENING THE ROOTS Young Adults: Peacemaker Training Institutes - Summer 2002 7-10 day trainings: Portland OR, Helena MT, St.Paul MN, Minneapolis MN, Carbondale IL, Washington DC, Nyack NY, and Lewisburg PA. 3. Job Opening with the 50 Years Is Enough Network: Campaign Coordinator, Washington DC. Email to for more information. 4. Democracy Summer 2002knowledge, training, action!june 25th-july 2nd, washington, |
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